Tổng hợp Phrasal Verb theo chủ đề hữu ích cho kỳ thi IELTS Speaking

Việc thành thạo các phrasal verb không chỉ là yếu tố quan trọng để giao tiếp một cách tự nhiên mà còn là chìa khóa mở cánh cửa thành công trong bài thi Ielts Speaking . Trong bài viết này, Phoenix sẽ chia sẻ đến các bạn một số phrasal verb theo các chủ đề hữu ích, giúp bạn nâng cao kỹ năng giao tiếp và tự tin hơn khi tham dự kỳ thi IELTS Speaking.

  1. Tầm quan trọng của Phrasal Verb trong IELTS Speaking

Phrasal Verb là một phần quan trọng của ngôn ngữ Anh, bao gồm một động từ kết hợp với một hoặc hai từ khác (thường là giới từ hoặc trạng từ) để tạo ra một nghĩa mới. Ví dụ, “look up” có nghĩa là tra cứu thông tin, khác hẳn so với nghĩa gốc của động từ “look”. Sử dụng Phrasal Verb giúp ngôn ngữ trở nên tự nhiên và linh hoạt, giống như người bản ngữ.

Phrasal verb phần lớn được người bản địa nói tiếng Anh áp dụng nhiều trong các cuộc hội thoại hằng ngày. Hơn nữa, cụm động từ không những giúp học viên cải thiện điểm tiêu chí Lexical Resources mà còn giúp người học truyền tải thông tin một cách chính xác hơn, súc tích hơn, cũng như phát triển khả năng giao tiếp lưu loát và tự nhiên hơn khi thi nói IELTS speaking.

  1. Những Phrasal Verb theo chủ đề 

Topic Education

Look up :tra cứu

– I need to look up the definition of this word in the dictionary.


Hand in: nộp bài

– Please hand in your assignments by the end of the day.


Drop out :bỏ học

– He decided to drop out of college to start his own business.


Pick up  :học được

– She picked up some Spanish while she was living in Mexico.


Catch up  :bắt kịp

– After missing a week of classes, she had to work hard to catch up.


Brush up on  :ôn lại

– I need to brush up on my French before the trip to Paris.


Read up on  :nghiên cứu kỹ

– She spent the weekend reading up on the history of the Renaissance.


Figure out  :tìm hiểu, hiểu ra

– I can’t figure out how to use this new software.


Take in  :hiểu, tiếp thu

– There was a lot of information to take in during one lecture.


Get through  :vượt qua (bài kiểm tra)

– She managed to get through the final exam with a passing grade.


Write down  :ghi chép

– Don’t forget to write down the important points during the meeting.


Go over  :xem lại

– Let’s go over the plans one more time before we start.


Set up  :sắp xếp, tổ chức

– We need to set up the meeting room before the presentation starts.


Put off  :trì hoãn

– They decided to put off the meeting until next week.


Work out  :giải quyết, tìm ra

– We need to work out a solution to this problem quickly.

Sign up for  :đăng ký

– I signed up for a cooking class at the community center.

Carry out  :tiến hành

– The researchers are carrying out an important experiment.

Make up  :bịa ra (lý do, câu chuyện)

– He made up an excuse about being sick so he could miss the test.

Go into  :đi sâu vào chi tiết

– The report goes into detail about the economic impact of the policy.


Keep up with  :theo kịp

– It’s hard to keep up with all the changes in technology.


Topic Family and Friends

Get along with – hòa hợp với

– She gets along with her coworkers very well.

Look after – chăm sóc

– Can you look after my cat while I’m on vacation?

Take after – giống (ai đó trong gia đình)

– He takes after his father in both looks and personality.

Grow up – lớn lên

– They grew up in a small village in the countryside.

Fall out – cãi nhau

– They fell out over a small misunderstanding.

Make up – làm lành

– After their argument, they made up and became friends again.

Break up – chia tay

– They decided to break up after five years together.

Get together – gặp gỡ

– We should get together for coffee sometime.

Bring up – nuôi dưỡng

– She was brought up by her grandparents.

Look up to – tôn trọng

– Many young athletes look up to her as a role model.

Put up with – chịu đựng

– I can’t put up with his behavior anymore.

Run into – tình cờ gặp

– I ran into my old teacher at the supermarket yesterday.

Cut off – cắt đứt (quan hệ)

– She decided to cut off all contact with her ex-boyfriend.

Turn to – nhờ cậy

– In times of trouble, she always turns to her best friend for advice.

Hang out – đi chơi

– Do you want to hang out at the mall this weekend?

Keep in touch – giữ liên lạc

– Even after moving to different cities, they promised to keep in touch.

Look forward to – mong đợi

– I’m really looking forward to our trip next month.

Check up on – kiểm tra, trông chừng

– Can you check up on the kids while I’m out?

Pass away – qua đời

– Her grandfather passed away peacefully in his sleep.

Settle down – ổn định (cuộc sống gia đình)

– After traveling the world, he decided to settle down in a quiet town.


Topic Environment

Cut down – chặt cây

– They had to cut down the old tree in their backyard.

Throw away – vứt bỏ

– Don’t throw away those bottles; we can recycle them.

Clean up – dọn dẹp

– Volunteers gathered to clean up the beach after the storm.

Give off – thải ra (khí, mùi)

– Factories often give off harmful gases that pollute the air.

Run out of – cạn kiệt

– We need to buy more milk; we’ve run out of it.

Put out – dập tắt (lửa)

– The firefighters were able to put out the forest fire quickly.

Break down – phân hủy

– It takes a long time for plastic to break down in the environment.

Cut back on – giảm bớt

-To save energy, we should cut back on using the air conditioner.

Get rid of – loại bỏ

– We need to find a better way to get rid of household waste.

Clear up – làm sáng tỏ

– The scientist was able to clear up the confusion about climate change.

Dry up – khô cạn

– The river has completely dried up due to the prolonged drought.

Blow over – qua đi (bão, khủng hoảng)

– Fortunately, the storm blew over without causing much damage.

Die out – tuyệt chủng

– Many species are at risk of dying out if we don’t take action to protect their habitats.

Heat up – nóng lên

– The debate on global warming has heated up in recent years.

Cool down – làm mát

– It is important to cool down your car engine after a long drive.

Save up – tiết kiệm

– We need to save up for a new water heater.

Take care of – chăm sóc, bảo vệ

– It’s our responsibility to take care of the environment for future generations.

Turn off – tắt (thiết bị điện)

– Remember to turn off the lights when you leave the room.

Look after – chăm sóc

– Someone needs to look after the garden while we’re on vacation.

Use up – sử dụng hết

– We should use up all the leftovers before cooking a new meal.


Topic Travel and Holidays

Set off – khởi hành

– We set off early in the morning to avoid the traffic.

Check in – làm thủ tục nhận phòng

– We need to check in at the hotel by 3 PM.

Take off – cất cánh

– The plane is scheduled to take off at 7 PM.

Get away – đi nghỉ

– We’re planning to get away to the mountains for the weekend.

Look around – tham quan

– We spent the afternoon looking around the old town.

Get in – đến nơi

– Our train gets in at 8 PM.

Get on – lên (xe, máy bay)

– Please get on the bus quickly so we can leave.


Get off – xuống (xe, máy bay)

– We need to get off at the next stop.


Stop over – dừng chân

– We will stop over in Singapore for a day before heading to Australia.


Pick up – đón (ai đó)

– I’ll pick you up from the airport at 10 AM.


Drop off – đưa đến (nơi nào đó)

– Could you drop me off at the train station?

Check out – trả phòng

– We have to check out of the hotel by noon.

Go back – trở lại

– We’re planning to go back to our hometown for the holidays.

Look forward to – mong đợi

– I look forward to seeing you at the party.

Put up – ở tạm (đâu đó)

– We put up at a small guesthouse for the night.

See off – tiễn ai

– We went to the airport to see off our friends.

Hold up – làm đình trệ

– The traffic accident held up our journey for over an hour.

Catch up with – bắt kịp

– She walked fast to catch up with her friends.

Turn back – quay lại

– We had to turn back because we forgot our passports.

Go away – đi xa

– They decided to go away for the summer to relax.

Topic Weather

Cool down – làm mát

– The ice cream man sprayed water to cool down the overheated engine of his truck.


Heat up – nóng lên

– As summer approaches, the temperature tends to heat up gradually.

Dry up – khô cạn

– After the rain, the puddles on the ground slowly began to dry up under the warm sun.

Blow over – qua đi (bão)

– The dark clouds gradually blew over, and the sun emerged from behind them.

Clear up – trời quang mây tạnh

– Once the storm had passed, the sky began to clear up, revealing a beautiful sunset.

Cloud over – trời nhiều mây

– The sky clouded over as the afternoon wore on, hinting at the possibility of rain.

Hold off – trì hoãn (mưa)

– The rain held off until after the outdoor wedding ceremony was finished.

Pick up – trở nên mạnh hơn (gió)

– As evening approached, the wind started to pick up, rustling the leaves in the trees.


Rain down – mưa rơi

– Suddenly, raindrops began to rain down, forcing everyone to seek shelter.


Snow in – bị tuyết phủ kín

– The small mountain village was snowed in for several days during the blizzard.


Freeze over – đóng băng

– The pond in the park had completely frozen over during the cold snap.


Warm up – ấm lên

– After exercising, it’s important to warm up to prevent injury.


Cool off – trở nên mát mẻ

– After the heated argument, they both needed time to cool off before continuing their discussion.


Storm out – rời đi trong giận dữ

– He stormed out of the meeting room, slamming the door behind him.


Blow away – thổi bay

– The strong gust of wind threatened to blow away the lightweight umbrella.


Flood in – tràn vào

– Heavy rains caused the river to flood in, inundating nearby homes.


Pour down – mưa lớn

– During the monsoon season, it’s not uncommon for rain to pour down in torrents.


Fog up – mờ đi (do sương mù)

– The car windows fogged up as they drove through the misty countryside.


Shine down – chiếu xuống (ánh nắng)

– The sun began to set, casting a warm glow as its rays shone down on the beach.


Thunder down – tiếng sấm

– As the storm approached, the sound of thunder began to thunder down in the distance.


Topic Food/Cooking

Cut up – cắt nhỏ

– She cut up the vegetables before adding them to the soup.


Boil over – trào ra (nước sôi)

– Be careful, the pot is boiling and might boil over.


Chop up – băm nhỏ

– I need to chop up some onions for the stir-fry.


Eat out – ăn ngoài

– Let’s eat out tonight instead of cooking at home.


Whip up – nấu nhanh

– He can whip up a delicious meal in no time.


Heat up – hâm nóng

Heat up the leftovers in the microwave before serving.


Cool down – làm nguội

– After exercise, it’s important to cool down slowly to avoid injury.


Dish out – dọn ra (món ăn)

– She dishes out generous portions of food for her guests.


Pig out – ăn quá nhiều

– Don’t pig out on junk food before dinner.


Snack on – ăn vặt

– He likes to snack on fruits and nuts throughout the day.


Throw together – nấu nhanh (món ăn từ nguyên liệu có sẵn)

– When friends come over unexpectedly, I can always throw together a quick meal from whatever’s in the fridge.


Clean up – dọn dẹp (sau khi nấu ăn)

– After dinner, it’s time to clean up the kitchen.


Eat up – ăn hết

– The kids quickly ate up all the cookies I baked.


Take out – lấy ra (thức ăn mang đi)

– Let’s order pizza and take out instead of cooking tonight.


Cut down on – giảm bớt (ăn uống)

– I’m trying to cut down on sugary snacks to improve my health.


Live on – sống dựa vào (thức ăn)

– As a college student, I had to live on instant noodles and sandwiches.


Give up – từ bỏ (một món ăn)

– She decided to give up sweets for Lent.


Fry up – chiên (thức ăn)

– He loves to fry up bacon and eggs for breakfast.


Bake off – nướng (bánh)

– Every year, the neighborhood holds a baking competition called the “Bake Off”.


Mix up – trộn lẫn

– Be careful not to mix up the ingredients or the cake won’t turn out right.


Topic Work

Carry out – thực hiện

– She carried out the experiment according to the instructions.


Get ahead – tiến bộ

– Despite facing many challenges, she managed to get ahead in her career.


Hold on – chờ đợi

– Please hold on for a moment while I transfer your call to the appropriate department.


Take on – đảm nhận

– After the manager resigned, she decided to take on the additional responsibilities.


Set up – thành lập

– They set up a new company to provide innovative solutions to environmental problems.


Take over – tiếp quản

– The new CEO will officially take over the company next month.


Lay off – sa thải

– Due to financial difficulties, the company had to lay off several employees.


Burn out – kiệt sức

– After years of overwork, he experienced burn out and needed a long break.


Call off – hủy bỏ

– The event was called off due to bad weather conditions.


Fill in – điền vào

– Could you please fill in this form with your personal details?


Follow up – theo dõi

– The detective promised to follow up on any new leads in the case.


Knock off – tan làm

– It’s already 5 PM, so let’s knock off for the day and continue tomorrow.


Lay off – cho nghỉ việc

– The company had to lay off a significant portion of its workforce due to budget cuts.


Look into – điều tra

– The police will look into the matter and report back to us.


Move up – thăng tiến

– After years of hard work, she finally moved up to a senior management position.


Pitch in – giúp đỡ

-Everyone needs to pitch in and help with the community cleanup effort.


Put off – trì hoãn

– Let’s put off the meeting until next week when everyone can attend.


Run by – thảo luận

– Before finalizing the decision, it’s essential to run it by the board of directors.


Sign off – ký kết

– Both parties agreed to sign off on the contract terms.


Team up – hợp tác

– They decided to team up with a larger organization to expand their reach and impact.


Topic Free time/ Hobbies

Hang out – đi chơi

– I often hang out with my friends at the local coffee shop on weekends.


Take up – bắt đầu (một sở thích mới)

– Sarah decided to take up painting as a new hobby after she retired.


Chill out – thư giãn

– After a long day at work, I like to chill out on the couch and watch TV.


Work out – tập thể dục

– It’s important to work out regularly to stay healthy and fit.


Catch up on – làm bù (việc gì đó)

– I need to catch up on my emails after being on vacation for a week.


Get into – hứng thú với

– My sister recently got into yoga and now practices it every morning.


Join in – tham gia

– Everyone is going to the beach this weekend, so I’m going to join in too.


Mess around – chơi đùa

– Instead of studying, the kids prefer to mess around in the backyard.


Pick up – học hỏi

– He always carries a book with him to pick up new knowledge whenever he has free time.


Wind down – thư giãn

– After a busy day, I like to wind down with a cup of tea and a good book.


Put together – lắp ráp

– We need to put together a presentation for the meeting tomorrow.


Kick back – thư giãn

– After a stressful week, I’m looking forward to kicking back and relaxing this weekend.


Try out – thử nghiệm

– I decided to try out the new restaurant that just opened in our neighborhood.


Tune in – xem hoặc nghe (chương trình)

– Let’s tune in to the news and see what’s happening around the world.


Shop around – đi mua sắm

– They shop around to find the best deals before making any big purchases.


Eat out – ăn ngoài

– Instead of cooking, let’s eat out tonight and try that new Italian restaurant.


Look around – nhìn xung quanh, tham quan

– We had some time before the movie started, so we decided to look around the mall.


Take off – trở nên phổ biến

– The new fashion trend seems to be taking off among teenagers.


Give up – từ bỏ

– After many failed attempts, he finally decided to give up on learning to play the guitar.


Việc thành thạo các phrasal verb không chỉ là yếu tố quan trọng để giao tiếp một cách tự nhiên mà còn là chìa khóa mở cánh cửa thành công trong bài thi. Trong bài viết trên, chúng ta đã thăm dò những phrasal verb theo các chủ đề hữu ích, từ cuộc sống hàng ngày đến công việc và du lịch. Những từ vựng này không chỉ giúp bạn thể hiện ý kiến một cách chính xác mà còn tăng cường khả năng mô tả và diễn đạt ý tưởng của bạn một cách mạch lạc và sáng tạo. Hãy dành thời gian luyện tập và áp dụng những phrasal verb này vào cuộc sống hàng ngày của bạn để nâng cao khả năng giao tiếp và tự tin hơn khi đối diện với bài thi IELTS Speaking. 

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